Frequently asked questions

Here you can find the answers to frequently asked questions. If you have any other question, contact us through the contact form.

How may I purchase the software ?
Visit Order information for a detailed information.

Which are the limitations in the trial versions ?
The trial versions are save and print disabled.

Where can I find a user manual ?
Visit Downloads to obtain a quick guide in PDF format, together with the included help file, it will allow you to learn the basic operations. When you purchase the full versions, you obtain the User Manuals.

Which are the system requirements ?
GEUP 11 and GEUP 3D 10 require Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP/2000/NT4/ME/98/95, RAM and processor requirements are the same as the operating system requirements, and both at least 7MB of free hard disk space.

What's new in the current versions ?
Visit GEUP 11 main page and GEUP 3D 10 main page to know the main new features.

How can I obtain an upgrade to GEUP 11.x and GEUP 3D 10.x?
The latest versions are available for download at ; If you have a License for GEUP 11, all updates (11.0 -> 11.x) are free or if you have a License for GEUP 3D 10, all updates (10.0 -> 10.x) are free. Install the new version over the old version, run the program and enter your registration code if necessary.

Is it possible to install the registered version of GEUP 11 and GEUP 3D 10 on a network ?
If you have a multiple License for GEUP 11 or GEUP 3D 10 and you need to install them on a network, you will need to enter your registration code for each user.

Is it possible to export the constructions created with GEUP 11 to other programs ?
If you have a License, you can export the documents as image(bitmap) to other programs like a word processor or a drawing program; first you must select the required area of the document through the selection tool and then you can use the option [copy as picture] and then paste it with the destination program; also you can save the selected image on disk and open it with the destination program.

How can I translate GEUP/GEUP 3D to other languages ?
GEUP and GEUP 3D include a multilanguage interface. To translate them to other languages, first you must create a file-> [language.lng] and save it in the installation folder [languages], this file must contain the translated text lines with the specified format; you can use one of the included languages files[.lng] as a model; finally activate the language with the option [Language] and save the options(GEUP) if you want to keep the configuration.